Stacy Solorio, Sr. Director HR Operations, Atara Biotherapeutics, Inc.
As a Senior HR Leader, Stacy has developed and delivered HR strategies across publicly-traded domestic and global companies ranging from start-up to $42B in revenue. Her expertise is evolving and improving company culture and facilitating strategic initiatives in areas such as HR operations, compliance, diversity & inclusion, health & wellness, performance management, training, people solutions and leadership development.
Stacy is committed to creating a dynamic and diverse work environment that fosters a culture of inclusion, innovation, collaboration and creativity where employees are enabled to achieve their greatest potential. Her passion for people, extends beyond the HR function into the Elder Care and LGBT Communities and over the last two years has captained Walk MS San Francisco. In her spare time, Stacy and her husband started a CoderDojo in their community to offer free and open programming workshops for young people.